For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.  -  Romans 12:4-5

2024  Emily Community Market Schedule

Outdoor Markets

June 22nd
August 10th
August 24th
September 7th
September 17th
Indoor Markets

October 19th
November 16tth

Why We Host a Community Market?

At Emily Wesleyan Church we want to be a good neighbor to our community. With the largest and most centrally located parking lot we don't want it to just be utilized a couple of times a week. Offering the Emily Community Market is another way we can reach out and be apart of our community and utilize the resources that have been so generously provided to us. This also allows us to meet our neighbors and continue to build strong relationships resulting in a stronger community. 

Please join our team of amazing vendors. 

Have Questions About This Event?

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